Translate languages to and from: English, Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, Dutch, Italian, Chinese, Arabic, Russian, Japanese, Hebrew, Korean , Russian, Greek, Swedish, Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, Finnish, Hausa, Hindi, Hungarian, Norwegian, Pashto, Farsi, Polish, Romanian, Serbian, Somali, Thai and more.


Our cutting edge…

Translate languages – any language – from Christchurch, New Zealand or Australia

Topic Targeted Translators translate languages properly

Blue South matches our expertise with your business. Translators who understand the subject, work faster and produce better quality language translations, which result in translations as good as the source text, whatever your business, for wherever your business needs to operate. We offer experienced, professional translation languages services for all languages for your business from right here in Christchurch, NZ and Australia.

Using latest technology to save you money

Blue South uses a number of translating technologies to ensure efficiency and quality in our services.

Blue South has invested in world-class translation memory software (SDL Trados) to reduce time and cost for our clients by improving the efficiency and consistency of our human translators to translate languages. Translation memory software recognizes and reuses already translated content, but does not translate the text itself and should not be confused with machine translation tools.

Another new software tool, can save your company even more money by efficiently converting your historic, existing translated material into a translation memory, a process known as alignment. At a minimum cost, existing translated material is turned into a useable translation memory to reduce costs for future translation projects.
Contact us to discuss how we can turn your legacy translations into money saving translation memories.

Design support for your translations

Blue South has the technology, software and design skills to provide a complete translation service that protects the integrity of your brand, design and layout and can provide the artwork ready for print.

Historically, the importing of new words has been a time-consuming and costly process involving checking, correcting, re-checking to identify potential new errors. Our translation memory software enables us to save you significant time and money, while reducing human errors and typos.

We extract text directly from most Indesign and Framemaker artwork in a format which preserves the formatting data. After the translation, we can re-import the translated text into the artwork and it will automatically adopt the format of the original. If the new language requires a different amount of space, our designers will tweak the artwork to protect the integrity of the translation and your design. Naturally, the artwork will still be proof read by the original translator but the whole process has proven to be much faster, saving you time and money.